søndag den 12. januar 2025

Undersøgelser af muskler i Long Covid og Myalgic encephalomyelitis - OVERBLIK

Long Covid (LC) og Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) er postvirale sygdomme, der har fatigue og Post Exertional Malaise (PEM) til fælles.

I både LC og ME er der påvist forandringer i musklerne. Her er mit overblik. Teksterne er citat fra abstracts.

Long covid: 

Myopathic changes in patients with long-term fatigue after COVID-19 Maj 2021:
qEMG showed myopathic changes in one or more muscles in 11 patients (55%). Motor unit potential duration was shorter in patients compared to healthy controls in biceps brachii (10.02 ± 0.28 vs 11.75 ± 0.21), vastus medialis (10.86 ± 0.37 vs 12.52 ± 0.19) and anterior tibial (11.76 ± 0.31 vs 13.26 ± 0.21) muscles. All patients with myopathic qEMG reported about physical fatigue and 8 patients about myalgia while 3 patients without myopathic changes complained about physical fatigue.

Skeletal muscle alterations in patients with acute Covid-19 and post-acute sequelae of Covid-19 Feb 2022:
Patients with severe Covid-19 and PASC suffer from skeletal muscle weakness and exercise intolerance. Histological sections present muscle fibre atrophy, metabolic alterations, and immune cell infiltration. Contributing factors to weakness and fatigue in patients with severe Covid-19 include systemic inflammation, disuse, hypoxaemia, and malnutrition. These factors also contribute to post-intensive care unit (ICU) syndrome and ICU-acquired weakness and likely explain a substantial part of Covid-19-acquired weakness. The skeletal muscle weakness and exercise intolerance associated with PASC are more obscure. Direct severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV)-2 viral infiltration into skeletal muscle or an aberrant immune system likely contribute. Similarities between skeletal muscle alterations in PASC and chronic fatigue syndrome deserve further study. Both SARS-CoV-2-specific factors and generic consequences of acute disease likely underlie the observed skeletal muscle alterations in both acute Covid-19 and PASC.

Myopathy as a cause of fatigue in long-term post-COVID-19 symptoms: Evidence of skeletal muscle histopathology  Sep 2022:
Muscle weakness was present in 50% and myopathic electromyography in 75%, and in all patients there were histological changes. Muscle fiber atrophy was found in 38%, and 56% showed indications of fiber regeneration. Mitochondrial changes, comprising loss of cytochrome c oxidase activity, subsarcollemmal accumulation, and/or abnormal cristae, were present in 62%. Inflammation was found in 62%, seen as T lymphocytes and/or muscle fiber human leukocyte antigen ABC expression. In 75%, capillaries were affected, involving basal lamina and cells. In two patients, uncommon amounts of basal lamina were found, not only surrounding muscle fibers but also around nerves and capillaries.

Myopathy as a cause of Long COVID fatigue: Evidence from quantitative and single fiber EMG and muscle histopathology Apr 2023:
Mean motor unit potential (MUP) duration was decreased in ≥ 1 muscles in 52 % of the patients. Mean jitter was increased in 17 % of the patients in tibialis anterior and 25 % in extensor digitorum communis. Increased jitter was seen with or without myopathic qEMG. Low quality of life score correlated with higher jitter values but not with qEMG measures. In addition to our previously published mitochondrial changes, inflammation, and capillary injury, we show now in muscle biopsies damage of terminal nerves and motor endplate with abundant basal lamina material. At the endplate, axons were present but no vesicle containing terminals. The post-synaptic cleft in areas appeared atrophic with short clefts and coarse crests.

Post-COVID exercise intolerance is associated with capillary alterations and immune dysregulations in skeletal muscles Dec 2023:
We present an in-depth analysis of skeletal muscle biopsies obtained from eleven patients suffering from enduring fatigue and post-exertional malaise after an infection with SARS-CoV-2. Compared to two independent historical control cohorts, patients with post-COVID exertion intolerance had fewer capillaries, thicker capillary basement membranes and increased numbers of CD169+ macrophages. SARS-CoV-2 RNA could not be detected in the muscle tissues. In addition, complement system related proteins were more abundant in the serum of patients with PCS, matching observations on the transcriptomic level in the muscle tissue. We hypothesize that the initial viral infection may have caused immune-mediated structural changes of the microvasculature, potentially explaining the exercise-dependent fatigue and muscle pain.

Muscle abnormalities worsen after post-exertional malaise in long COVID Jan 2024:
We show that skeletal muscle structure is associated with a lower exercise capacity in patients, and local and systemic metabolic disturbances, severe exercise-induced myopathy and tissue infiltration of amyloid-containing deposits in skeletal muscles of patients with long COVID worsen after induction of post-exertional malaise.

Skeletal muscle adaptations and post-exertional malaise in long COVID Dec 2024:
When acute SARS-CoV-2 infections cause symptoms that persist longer than 3 months, this condition is termed long COVID. Symptoms experienced by patients often include myalgia, fatigue, brain fog, cognitive impairments, and post-exertional malaise (PEM), which is the worsening of symptoms following mental or physical exertion. There is little consensus on the pathophysiology of exercise-induced PEM and skeletal-muscle-related symptoms. In this opinion article we highlight intrinsic mitochondrial dysfunction, endothelial abnormalities, and a muscle fiber type shift towards a more glycolytic phenotype as main contributors to the reduced exercise capacity in long COVID. The mechanistic trigger for physical exercise to induce PEM is unknown, but rapid skeletal muscle tissue damage and intramuscular infiltration of immune cells contribute to PEM-related symptoms
In chronic fatigue syndrome, several reported alterations may be related to specific oxidative modifications in muscle. Since sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes are the basic structures involved in excitation-contraction coupling and the thiol groups of Ca(2+) channels of SR terminal cisternae are specific targets for reactive oxygen species, it is possible that excitation-contraction coupling is involved in this pathology. We investigated the possibility that abnormalities in this compartment are involved in the pathogenesis of chronic fatigue syndrome and consequently responsible for characteristic fatigue. The data presented here support this hypothesis and indicate that the sarcolemmal conduction system and some aspects of Ca(2+) transport are negatively influenced in chronic fatigue syndrome. In fact, both deregulation of pump activities (Na(+)/K(+) and Ca(2+)-ATPase) and alteration in the opening status of ryanodine channels may result from increased membrane fluidity involving sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes.
In an effort to establish which pathways might be involved in the onset and development of muscle symptoms, we used global transcriptome analysis to identify genes that were differentially expressed in the vastus lateralis muscle of female and male CFS patients. We found that the expression of genes that play key roles in mitochondrial function and oxidative balance, including superoxide dismutase 2, were altered, as were genes involved in energy production, muscular trophism and fiber phenotype determination. Importantly, the expression of a gene encoding a component of the nicotinic cholinergic receptor binding site was reduced, suggesting impaired neuromuscular transmission. We argue that these major biological processes could be involved in and/or responsible for the muscle symptoms of CFS.
The key information is that ß2AdR also stimulates the Na+/K+-ATPase in skeletal muscles. Appropriate muscular perfusion as well as function of the Na+/K+-ATPase determine muscle fatigability. We presume that dysfunction of the ß2AdR also leads to an insufficient stimulation of the Na+/K+-ATPase causing sodium overload which reverses the transport direction of the sodium-calcium exchanger (NCX) to import calcium instead of exporting it as is also known from the ischemia-reperfusion paradigm. The ensuing calcium overload affects the mitochondria, cytoplasmatic metabolism and the endothelium which further worsens the energetic situation (vicious circle) to explain postexertional malaise, exercise intolerance and chronification.

Baseline tissue sodium content was higher in all 5 lower leg muscle compartments in ME/CFS compared to controls. Within the anterior extensor muscle compartment, the highest difference in baseline muscle sodium content between ME/CFS and controls was found (mean ± SD; 12.20 ± 1.66 mM in ME/CFS versus 9.38 ± 0.71 mM in controls, p = 0.0034). Directly after exercise, tissue sodium content increased in gastrocnemius and triceps surae muscles with + 30% in ME/CFS (p = 0.0005) and + 24% in controls (p = 0.0007) in the medial gastrocnemius muscle but not in the extensor muscles which were not exercised. Compared to baseline, the increase of sodium content in medial gastrocnemius muscle was stronger in ME/CFS than in controls with + 30% versus + 17% to baseline at 12 min (p = 0.0326) and + 29% versus + 16% to baseline at 15 min (p = 0.0265). Patients had reduced average handgrip strength which was associated with increased average muscle tissue sodium content (p = 0.0319, R2 = 0.3832).
We report that overexpression of Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome Protein Family Member 3 (WASF3), here identified in a 38-y-old woman suffering from long-standing fatigue and exercise intolerance, can disrupt mitochondrial respiratory supercomplex formation and is associated with endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. Increased expression of WASF3 in transgenic mice markedly decreased their treadmill running capacity with concomitantly impaired respiratory supercomplex assembly and reduced complex IV levels in skeletal muscle mitochondria. WASF3 induction by ER stress using endotoxin, well known to be associated with fatigue in humans, also decreased skeletal muscle complex IV levels in mice, while decreasing WASF3 levels by pharmacologic inhibition of ER stress improved mitochondrial function in the cells of the patient with chronic fatigue. Expanding on our findings, skeletal muscle biopsy samples obtained from a cohort of patients with ME/CFS showed increased WASF3 protein levels and aberrant ER stress activation. In addition to revealing a potential mechanism for the bioenergetic deficiency in ME/CFS, our study may also provide insights into other disorders associated with fatigue such as rheumatic diseases and long COVID.

Studiet er yderligere beskrevet her: Årsagen til ME patienters motionsintolerance er fundet

Dysregulation of extracellular vesicle protein cargo in female myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome cases and sedentary controls in response to maximal exercise Jan 2024:
We hypothesized that altered extracellular vesicle (EV) signalling in ME/CFS patients after an exercise challenge may contribute to their prolonged and exacerbated negative response to exertion (post-exertional malaise)......The results show that exercise affects the EV proteome in ME/CFS patients differently than in healthy individuals and that changes in EV proteins after exercise are strongly correlated with symptom severity in ME/CFS. Differentially abundant proteins in ME/CFS patients versus controls were involved in many pathways and systems, including coagulation processes, muscle contraction (both smooth and skeletal muscle), cytoskeletal proteins, the immune system and brain signalling. 
Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a demanding medical condition for patients and society. It has raised much more public awareness after the COVID-19 pandemic since ME/CFS and long-COVID patients share many clinical symptoms such as debilitating chronic fatigue. However, unlike long COVID, the etiopathology of ME/CFS remains a mystery despite several decades' research. This review moves from pathophysiology of ME/CFS through the compelling evidence and most interesting hypotheses. It focuses on the pathophysiology of skeletal muscle by proposing the hypothesis that skeletal muscle tissue offers novel opportunities for diagnosis and treatment of this syndrome and that new evidence can help resolve the long-standing debate on terminology.

Long Covid og Myalgic encephalomyeltitis undersøgt samtidig

...Survivors of other recent coronavirus outbreaks, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2002 and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) in 2012 also developed chronic fatigue. These 'post-infectious' fatigue syndromes, including long-COVID, resemble myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), a chronic disorder of unknown physiopathology characterized by fatigue, post-exertional malaise, chronic muscle or skeletal pain, and cognitive impairment (‘brain fog’).....Despite it being an extremely disabling symptom, the results of routine examinations are often normal in patients complaining of lingering fatigue, a phenomenon that has also led the medical-scientific community to view this condition with skepticism....The COVID-19 pandemic is likely to greatly increase the incidence of ME/CFS, so that the intense research on the pathophysiological mechanisms of fatigue in long-COVID can help to shed light on a poorly understood and underestimated syndrome. Neurophysiological tests may be potential biomarkers for these enigmatic entities.

Microvascular Capillary and Precapillary Cardiovascular Disturbances Strongly Interact to Severely Affect Tissue Perfusion and Mitochondrial Function in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Evolving from the Post COVID-19 Syndrome Jan 2024:
The detrimental coincidence of microcirculatory and precapillary cardiovascular disturbances may constitute the key disturbance of the Post-COVID-19 syndrome and finally lead to ME/CFS in predisposed patients because the interaction causes a particular kind of perfusion disturbance-capillary ischemia/reperfusion-which has a high potential of causing mitochondrial dysfunction by inducing sodium- and calcium-overload in skeletal muscles.

A considerable number of patients who contracted SARS-CoV-2 are affected by persistent multi-systemic symptoms, referred to as Post-COVID Condition (PCC)... In this review, we describe current evidence indicating that key pathophysiological features of PCC and ME/CFS are involved in physical activity-induced PEM....Upon physical activity, affected patients exhibit a reduced systemic oxygen extraction and oxidative phosphorylation capacity. Accumulating evidence suggests that these are mediated by dysfunctions in mitochondrial capacities and microcirculation that are maintained by latent immune activation, conjointly impairing peripheral bioenergetics. Aggravating deficits in tissue perfusion and oxygen utilization during activities cause exertional intolerance that are frequently accompanied by tachycardia, dyspnea, early cessation of activity and elicit downstream metabolic effects. The accumulation of molecules such as lactate, reactive oxygen species or prostaglandins might trigger local and systemic immune activation. Subsequent intensification of bioenergetic inflexibilities, muscular ionic disturbances and modulation of central nervous system functions can lead to an exacerbation of existing pathologies and symptoms.
Myalgic encephalomyelities/ chronic fatigue syndrome and long COVID-19 are clinically challenging, multi-symptomatic conditions with multiple overlapping symptoms. Unfortunately, contemporary research is directly being done on patients which risks exacerbating their symptoms. Using our 3-D in vitro skeletal muscle tissues we have mapped the progression of functional, physiological, and metabolic adaptations of the tissues in response to patient sera over time. During short exposure we treated the tissues for 48 hours with patient sera. The contractile profiles of these tissues were severely compromised. Transcriptomic analyses of these short exposure samples showed an absence of significant differentially expressed genes between ME/CFS and LC-19. The analyses revealed an upregulation of glycolytic enzymes especially of PDK4, suggesting a switch away from Oxidative Phosphorylation as well as a decline in DRP1, involved in mitochondrial fission. Subsequent structural analyses confirmed hypertrophy in myotubes and hyperfused mitochondrial networks. Mitochondrial oxygen consumption capacity, evaluated through the MitoStress test, was also elevated, as was the non-mitochondrial respiration confirming the shift to glycolysis. Interestingly, at short exposures of 48 hours, the muscle tissues appeared to be adapting to the stress factors by upregulating glycolysis and increasing the muscular metabolic volume. Prolonging the exposure to 96 and 144 hours induced high fatiguability, and fragility in tissues. The mitochondria, at longer exposures, appeared to be fragmented and assumed a toroidal conformation indicating a change in mitochondrial membrane potential. We hypothesize that the disease progresses through an intermediary stress-induced hypermetabolic state, ultimately leading to severe deterioration of muscle function. This is the first account of research that proposes acquired metabolic plasticity in 3D skeletal muscles exposed to ME/CFS and Long COVID-19 sera.

Key Pathophysiological Role of Skeletal Muscle Disturbance in Post COVID and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS): Accumulated Evidence Feb 2025:
Mitochondrial dysfunction is a long-held assumption to explain cardinal symptoms of ME/CFS. However, mitochondrial dysfunction could not be convincingly shown in leukocytes. By contrast, recent studies provide strong evidence for mitochondrial dysfunction in skeletal muscle tissue in ME/CFS. An electron microscopy study could directly show damage of mitochondria in skeletal muscle of ME/CFS patients with a preferential subsarcolemmal localization but not in PCS. Another study shows signs of skeletal muscle damage and regeneration in biopsies taken one day after exercise in PC-ME/CFS. The simultaneous presence of necroses and signs of regeneration supports the concept of repeated damage. Other studies correlated diminished hand grip strength (HGS) with symptom severity and prognosis. A MRI study showed that intracellular sodium in muscles of ME/CFS patients is elevated and that levels correlate inversely with HGS. This finding corroborates our concept of sodium and consecutive calcium overload as cause of muscular and mitochondrial damage caused by enhanced proton-sodium exchange due to anaerobic metabolism and diminished activity of the sodium-potassium-ATPase. The histological investigations in ME/CFS exclude ischemia by microvascular obstruction, viral presence or immune myositis. The only known exercise-induced mechanism of damage left is sodium induced calcium overload. If ionic disturbance and mitochondrial dysfunction is severe enough the patient may be captured in a vicious circle. This energy deficit is the most likely cause of exertional intolerance and post exertional malaise and is further aggravated by exertion.

Mere forskning i Myalgic encephalomyelitis og muskler er på vej

Post-exertional malaise (PEM) is a characteristic feature of ME/CFS that is also a requirement for diagnosis. As a debilitating symptom, it’s important to understand what drives PEM so we can develop treatments that will alleviate or eliminate crashes. Dr. Systrom, the Director of The Ronald G. Tompkins Harvard ME/CFS Collaboration, has designed a study to do just that.

To better understand the molecular mechanism of PEM in people with ME/CFS and any potential connection between vascular abnormalities, mitochondrial dysfunction, and impaired oxygen extraction, the muscle biopsy study will conduct analyses of muscle biopsies and blood samples, including proteomics, metabolomics, and transcriptomics. These samples will be taken both before and after an exercise test (a non-invasive CPET) that will induce PEM to see if the team will be able to identify changes in the blood markers and mitochondrial function in the muscle biopsies when the participant is experiencing PEM.

fredag den 22. november 2024

PRUNE1 is involved in Myalgic encephalomyelitis and in exercise biology

Eleven genes may be involved in Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) (1):

ME patients have Post Exertional Malaise (PEM). PEM is the worsening of symptoms following even minor physical or mental exertion that would have been tolerated previously. Symptoms typically worsen 12 to 48 hours after activity. PEM can last for days or even weeks (2). Cardiopulmonary and metabolic responses during a 2-day CPET in myalgic encephalomyelitis showed the problems (3).

In a preprint page 12 and 13 (4):
Molecular Landscape of Modality-Specific Exercise Adaptation in Human Skeletal Muscle through Large-Scale Multi-OMICs Integration

you can read this, quote:

"Exercise modality-specific analyses revealed 13 intersected genes (CLIC1, SMTNL1, MRPL23, ITGA7, IFITM3, IGFBP7, SLC41A3, CHTOP, CTBP1, PRUNE1, THY1, RPRD1B, and PODXL) associated with aerobic exercise across all OMIC layers, excluding mRNA followed by inactivity."

"However, five genes (CLIC1, IFITM3, PRUNE1, RPRD1B and PODXL) appear to be newly associated with aerobic exercise training."

"PRUNE1 is implicated in various cellular processes, including cell proliferation, mitigation and survival. Its expression has been shown to be positively correlated with tumour metastasis (Ferrucci et al., 2024). Although there is no direct evidence linking PRUNE1 to exercise, its involvement in cellular processes such as cell proliferation, differentiation, and tissue repair can be indirectly associated with exercise. Exercise-induced muscle adaptation and repair processes could potentially be influenced by the mechanisms in which PRUNE1 is involved, highlighting its relevance in the context of exercise biology."

Further reading: 


1) Pihur V, Datta S, Datta S. Meta analysis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome through integration of clinical, gene expression, SNP and proteomic data. Bioinformation. 2011 Apr 22;6(3):120-4. doi: 10.6026/97320630006120. PMID: 21584188; PMCID: PMC3089886.


2) https://www.cdc.gov/me-cfs/hcp/clinical-care/treating-the-most-disruptive-symptoms-first-and-preventing-worsening-of-symptoms.html

3) Keller B, Receno CN, Franconi CJ, Harenberg S, Stevens J, Mao X, Stevens SR, Moore G, Levine S, Chia J, Shungu D, Hanson MR. Cardiopulmonary and metabolic responses during a 2-day CPET in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: translating reduced oxygen consumption to impairment status to treatment considerations. J Transl Med. 2024 Jul 5;22(1):627. doi: 10.1186/s12967-024-05410-5. PMID: 38965566; PMCID: PMC11229500.


Molecular Landscape of Modality-Specific Exercise Adaptation in Human Skeletal Muscle through Large-Scale Multi-OMICs Integration
Macsue Jacques, Shanie Landen, Adam P Sharples, Andrew Garnham, Ralf Schittenhelm, Joel Stele, Aino Heikkinen, Elina Sillanpää, Miina Ollikainen, James Broatch, Navabeh Zarekookandeh, Ola Hanson, Ola Ekström, Olof Asplund, Séverine Lamon, Sarah E. Alexander, Cassandra Smith, Carlie Bauer, Mary N. Woessner, Itamar Levinger, Andrew E Teschendorff, Linn Gillberg, Ida Blom, Jørn Wulff Helge, Nicholas R Harvey, Larisa M Haupt, Lyn R Griffiths, Atul S. Deshmukh, Kirsi H Pietiläinen, Päivi Piirilä, Robert AE Seaborne, Bernadette Jones-Freeman, Nir Eynon
bioRxiv 2024.07.14.603458; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.07.14.603458


onsdag den 20. november 2024

Is TNK2 involved in the function of ATP synthase in Myalgic encephalomyelitis?

Eleven genes may be involved in Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) (1):


WASF3 and PRUNE1 are involved in mitochondrial dysfunction as previously described:

Regulation of PRUNE and the ATP synthase is involved in Myalgic encephalomyelitis

Is TNK2 also involved in regulation af mitochondrial function in ME?

In cancer cells TNK2 controls the ATP synthase (2), quote:
"The challenge of rapid macromolecular synthesis enforces the energy-hungry cancer cell mitochondria to switch their metabolic phenotypes, accomplished by activation of oncogenic tyrosine kinases. Precisely how kinase activity is directly exploited by cancer cell mitochondria to meet high-energy demand, remains to be deciphered. Here we show that a non-receptor tyrosine kinase, TNK2/ACK1 (tyrosine kinase non receptor 2), phosphorylated ATP5F1A (ATP synthase F1 subunit alpha) at Tyr243 and Tyr246 (Tyr200 and 203 in the mature protein, respectively) that not only increased the stability of complex V, but also increased mitochondrial energy output in cancer cells. Further, phospho-ATP5F1A (p-Y-ATP5F1A) prevented its binding to its physiological inhibitor, ATP5IF1 (ATP synthase inhibitory factor subunit 1), causing sustained mitochondrial activity to promote cancer cell growth. TNK2 inhibitor, (R)-9b reversed this process..."

If TNK2 is involved in ME and the control of ATP synthase, then TNK2 is not phosphorylating ATP5F1A. And hypothetically TNK2 may be downregulated.

In NK cells from ME patients, TNK2 is on top of the list of downregulated kinases (table 3 in ref 3). 

Is expression of TNK2 in ME involved in the function of ATP synthase?

Further reading: 
A Review of the Inhibition of the Mitochondrial ATP Synthase by IF1 in vivo: Reprogramming Energy Metabolism and Inducing Mitohormesis


1) Pihur V, Datta S, Datta S. Meta analysis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome through integration of clinical, gene expression, SNP and proteomic data. Bioinformation. 2011 Apr 22;6(3):120-4. doi: 10.6026/97320630006120. PMID: 21584188; PMCID: PMC3089886.


2) Chouhan S, Sawant M, Weimholt C, Luo J, Sprung RW, Terrado M, Mueller DM, Earp HS, Mahajan NP. TNK2/ACK1-mediated phosphorylation of ATP5F1A (ATP synthase F1 subunit alpha) selectively augments survival of prostate cancer while engendering mitochondrial vulnerability. Autophagy. 2023 Mar;19(3):1000-1025. doi: 10.1080/15548627.2022.2103961. Epub 2022 Jul 27. PMID: 35895804; PMCID: PMC9980697.


3) Chacko A, Staines DR, Johnston SC, Marshall-Gradisnik SM. Dysregulation of Protein Kinase Gene Expression in NK Cells from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Patients. Gene Regul Syst Bio. 2016 Aug 28;10:85-93. doi: 10.4137/GRSB.S40036. PMID: 27594784; PMCID: PMC5003121.


fredag den 15. november 2024

Regulation of PRUNE and the ATP synthase is involved in Myalgic encephalomyelitis

In 2011 an analysis identified eleven genes which may play important roles in Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) (1):

  • WASF3 = WAVE3
  • NUP98
  • TNK2 = ACK1
  • EIF3S8 = EIF3C
  • HOXA1
  • PMS2L5 = PMS2P5
  • HDAC7A =  HDAC7
  • GRP41 = FFAR3
  • MAP3K2

  • In 2023 it was shown that WASF3 disrupts mitochondrial respiration and may mediate exercise intolerance in Myalgic encephalomyelitis (2).

    What about the ten other genes on the list?

    PRUNE is interesting! Data indicate that the protein Prune regulates the activity of the mitochondrial ATP synthase (complex V). The loss of Prune inhibits the activity of the ATP synthase, and it decreases the prodution af ATP (3). 

    And research suggest that ME patients may have a defect in the ATP synthase and dysregulated mitochondrial function (4).

    Prune regulates the metabolism of inorganic polyphosphate (polyP). We need to look into what role polyP may have in ME. Start reading:  

    Human Prune Regulates the Metabolism of Mammalian Inorganic Polyphosphate and Bioenergetics

    Enzymatic Depletion of Mitochondrial Inorganic Polyphosphate (polyP) Increases the Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and the Activity of the Pentose Phosphate Pathway (PPP) in Mammalian Cells

    Inorganic polyphosphate and energy metabolism in mammalian cells

    Depletion of mitochondrial inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) in mammalian cells causes metabolic shift from oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis

    Excessive release of inorganic polyphosphate by ALS/FTD astrocytes causes non-cell-autonomous toxicity to motoneurons


    1) Pihur V, Datta S, Datta S. Meta analysis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome through integration of clinical, gene expression, SNP and proteomic data. Bioinformation. 2011 Apr 22;6(3):120-4. doi: 10.6026/97320630006120. PMID: 21584188; PMCID: PMC3089886.


    2) Wang PY, Ma J, Kim YC, Son AY, Syed AM, Liu C, Mori MP, Huffstutler RD, Stolinski JL, Talagala SL, Kang JG, Walitt BT, Nath A, Hwang PM. WASF3 disrupts mitochondrial respiration and may mediate exercise intolerance in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 Aug 22;120(34):e2302738120. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2302738120. Epub 2023 Aug 14. PMID: 37579159; PMCID: PMC10450651.2) 


    3) Scoma ER, Da Costa RT, Leung HH, Urquiza P, Guitart-Mampel M, Hambardikar V, Riggs LM, Wong CO, Solesio ME. Human Prune Regulates the Metabolism of Mammalian Inorganic Polyphosphate and Bioenergetics. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Sep 8;24(18):13859. doi: 10.3390/ijms241813859. PMID: 37762163; PMCID: PMC10531210.


    4) Missailidis D, Annesley SJ, Allan CY, Sanislav O, Lidbury BA, Lewis DP, Fisher PR. An Isolated Complex V Inefficiency and Dysregulated Mitochondrial Function in Immortalized Lymphocytes from ME/CFS Patients. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Feb 6;21(3):1074. doi: 10.3390/ijms21031074. PMID: 32041178; PMCID: PMC7036826.


    torsdag den 21. marts 2024

    Proteiner fra vesikler viser opregulering af antigen præsentation hos ME patienter efter motion

    I sidste blogindlæg skrev jeg om den nye artikel, der peger på vedvarende antigen præsentation som "root cause" til ME (1):

    Vedvarende aktivitet i immunforsvaret menes at være den grundlæggende årsag til Myalgisk Encephalomyelitis

    En anden artikel afslører ligeledes tegn på påvirkning af antigen præsentation hos ME patienter (2):

    Dysregulation of extracellular vesicle protein cargo in female myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome cases and sedentary controls in response to maximal exercise

    Basisviden: Ekstracellulære veksikler (EV) er små "beholdere" med protein, der udskilles fra forskellige celletyper, f. eks. muskel- og immunceller. Efter motion kan EV indeholde proteiner, der anvendes til ændret metabolisme, inflammations processer og vedligehold af muskler.

    Beskrivelse af forsøget

    EV blev isoleret fra plasma fra 18 kvinder med ME:
    • før motion
    • 15 minutter efter motion
    • 24 timer efter motion
    Der blev ligledes isoleret EV fra plasma fra en matchende kontrolgruppe.


    Resultatet fremgår af figur 4 i artiklen. Bemærk "antigen præsentation" har 2. pladsen i listen over påvirkede processer efter motion (2):

    Figur 4. Differences in EV protein levels between ME/CFS and controls at each time point (a) and enrichment analysis (b). (a) The y-axis shows the Log2 fold change (ME/CFS vs. Controls) of 10,000 bootstrapped datasets at each time point. A median FC of 0 indicates no difference. Black dots show all proteins significant before FDR correction. Black bars show 95% confidence intervals (CI). Gray bars with caps show the false discovery rate adjusted CIs (with q < 0.1). A protein is significant after FDR correction (DAPs, red dots) if the adjusted CI does not include 0. (b) Bar plot showing—Log10(FDR) of the top 10 significant Reactome pathways (FDR < 0.05) enriched for EV proteins that are significantly different (q < 0.1) between ME/CFS and controls 15 min post-exercise. The number inside the bubble shows the number of EV proteins in each pathway. (Reference 2).

    Fra artiklens afsnit "Dysfunctional immune signalling in EVs in ME/CFS post-exercise" fremgår følgende (2):

    "We found increased ANXA2, B2M and ORM1 in ME/CFS versus controls 15 min post-exercise. These three proteins are members of the immune system protein pathways ‘antigen presentation’, ‘cytokine signaling’ and ‘adaptive immune system’ (Figure 4b)."

    "Annexin II (ANXA2) is a calcium-dependent phospholipid-binding protein that orchestrates membrane repair, vesicle fusion and cytoskeletal organization during the inflammatory response or tissue injury (Lim & Hajjar, 2021)."

    "Beta-2-microglobulin (B2M) is necessary for the cell surface expression and structural stability of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC-I) which plays key roles in antigen presentation and processing, inflammation, the complement cascade, and stress response (Trowsdale & Knight, 2013)."

    "In the CNS, B2M can also negatively affect hippocampal neurogenesis and synaptic plasticity and has been linked to clinical depression (Lamers et al., 2016). While B2M dysregulation has not been previously identified in ME/CFS patients, this finding is consistent with dysfunctional adaptive immune cells in ME/CFS (Maya, 2023)."

    "Orosomucoid (ORM1) is an acute phase protein associated with fatigue. In our study, ORM1 had a significantly lower 24 h/15 min ratio in ME/CFS patients versus controls, due to opposing trends in controls versus patients (Figure 8, Figure S3). A previous study found that the change in muscle soreness scores in healthy individuals positively correlated with serum ORM1 levels 24 h post-exercise, suggesting that ORM1 is associated with the extent of exercise-induced damage and inflammation (Tékus et al., 2017)."

    "This upregulation of serum and CSF ORM at baseline may reflect the body's attempt to mitigate the everyday fatigue that occurs in ME/CFS, while the altered dynamics of ORM1 in EVs post-exercise may indicate disruption of the muscle fatigue—ORM1 feedback loop."

    Bemærk også at blodplade (engelsk: platelet) processer har 1. pladsen. Påvisning af blodplade processer hos ME patienter er også beskrevet i ME forskningen (3 og 4):

    The Occurrence of Hyperactivated Platelets and Fibrinaloid Microclots in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)

    Cardiovascular and haematological pathology in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS): A role for viruses

    Videre analyse af EV proteiner er foretaget og resultatet er vist i figur 7c (2):

    Figur 7. Tissue and cell type enrichment analysis. Sankey network diagrams showing 81 and 22 EV proteins contributing to uniquely enriched tissue type terms in controls (a) and in ME/CFS patients (b), respectively. Each line in the Sankey network shows one connection between a protein and an enriched tissue or cell type term. (c) Bubble plot with terms that are commonly enriched in both ME/CFS patients and controls, as well as their significance (-Log10 (FDR)) and the number of proteins overlapping with each reference gene/protein set. (reference 2).

    Bemærk, at her dukker motor cortex processer op. I NIH's hypotese (reference 1) var motor cortex problemer sat i relation til vedvarende antigen præsentation.

    Så hvis vedvarende antigen præsentation giver motor cortex problemer, der påvirker motion. OG motion inducerer processer vedrørende antigen præsentaion, så lyder det som vi har en ond cirkel. Vi må afvente mere forskning og se hvordan de forklarer alle de sammenhængen, der efterhånden er dukket op.


    1) Walitt, B., Singh, K., LaMunion, S.R. et al. Deep phenotyping of post-infectious myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome. Nat Commun 15, 907 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-45107-3

    2) Giloteaux L, Glass KA, Germain A, Franconi CJ, Zhang S, Hanson MR. Dysregulation of extracellular vesicle protein cargo in female myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome cases and sedentary controls in response to maximal exercise. J Extracell Vesicles. 2024 Jan;13(1):e12403. doi: 10.1002/jev2.12403. PMID: 38173127; PMCID: PMC10764978.

    3) Nunes JM, Kruger A, Proal A, Kell DB, Pretorius E. The Occurrence of Hyperactivated Platelets and Fibrinaloid Microclots in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2022 Jul 27;15(8):931. doi: 10.3390/ph15080931. PMID: 36015078; PMCID: PMC9413879.

    4) Nunes JM, Kell DB, Pretorius E. Cardiovascular and haematological pathology in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS): A role for viruses. Blood Rev. 2023 Jul;60:101075. doi: 10.1016/j.blre.2023.101075. Epub 2023 Mar 20. PMID: 36963989; PMCID: PMC10027292.

    onsdag den 13. marts 2024

    Vedvarende aktivitet i immunforsvaret menes at være den grundlæggende årsag til Myalgisk Encephalomyelitis

    National Institute of Health i USA står bag artiklen,

    Deep phenotyping of post-infectious myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome

    som er udgivet i det anerkendte tidsskrift Nature Communications (1).

    National Institute of Health har skrevet om studiet her:

    Insight into mechanisms of ME/CFS

    De skriver bl.a.: "They found differences in B cells, which make antibodies to help fight pathogens. People with PI-ME/CFS had more naïve B cells, which can be activated by any foreign substance. But they had fewer switched memory B cells, which respond to a specific pathogen that the body has encountered before. B cell dysfunction was more prominent in women. These findings suggests that the immune system continues to be activated in the absence of infection."

    Deltagere i studiet

    Der deltog 17 patienter med Post-Infectious Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (PI-ME/CFS, herefter kun kaldet ME). Til sammenligning deltog 21 raske kontrolpersoner (healthy volunteers, HV). I nogle undersøgelser deltog et færrre antal ME patienter og kontrolpersoner. Dette er angivet i artiklen ved hver undersøgelse.

    ME patienterne opfyldte følgende diagnose-kriterier:

    • 14 opfyldte Fukuda Criteria
    • 9 opfyldte Canadien Consensus Criteria
    • alle 17 opfyldte Institute of Medicine Diagnostic Criteria

    ME diagnoserne blev bekræftet af et panel af ME eksperter. Infektionerne der gik forud for ME omfattede:

    • 10 tilfælde af forskellige infektioner i øvre luftveje
    • 3 tilfælde af Epstein Barr Virus infektion
    • 1 tilfælde af maveinfektion
    • 1 tilfælde af atypisk hepatitis
    • 1 tilfælde af Ramsay Hunt syndrom pga herpes zoster (herpes zoster er reaktivering af varicella (=skoldkoppevirus))
    • 1 tilfælde af herpes zoster ophthalmicus

    Da patienterne deltog i studiet havde de haft ME i gennemsnit 33 måneder. 13 måneder for den korteste tid med ME og 59 måneder for den længste tid med ME.

    Rekruttering af patienter foregik mellem dec 2016 og feb 2020. Efter afslutning af studiet blev ME patienterne kontaktet mellem nov 2021 og juli 2022. Her var 4 af de 17 ME patienter blevet helt raske. Der er efterfølgende fremsat kritik af studiets snævre udsnit af patienter, og den høje spontane helbredelsesprocent har vakt undren.

    Autonom dysfunktion påvist hos ME patienter

    Undersøgelser viste tegn på, at ME patienterne havde:

    • øget hjerteryme om dagen (tegn på øget sympatisk aktivitet)
    • formindsket fald i hjerterytmen om natten (tegn på nedsat parasympatisk aktivitet)
    • nedsat baroflex-cardiovagal funktion

    Konklusionen fra artiklen var: "...these data suggest that there is an alteration in autonomic tone, implying central nervous system regulatory change."

    Forringet kardio-pulmonær motionstest hos ME patienter

    Tidligere forsøg har vist, at to kardio-pulmonære motionstest (CPET) adskilt af 24 timer er en effektiv måde at påvise motions-intolerance og post exertional malaise (PEM) hos ME patienter. Desværre blev en sådan dobbelt test IKKE medtaget i det ellers så omfattende studie. Men en enkelt CPET viste, at ME patienter havde

    • lavere VO2 peak
    • lavere procent af forventet VO2 peak
    • lavere puls revovery
    • lavere VO2 ved anaerob tærskelværdi

    Det var således muligt at skelne mellem ME patienter og raske kontrolpersoner ved en kardiopulmonær motionstest. Konklusionen fra artiklen var. "...despite successful CPET engagement, PI-ME/CFS participants were less likely to achieve their predicted maximal output, suggesting a differential cardiorespiratory performance related to autonomic function, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis hyporesponsiveness, and muscular deconditioning from disuse that clinically impacts activities of daily life."

    Immunaktivering og køns-specifikke forskelle i immunforsvaret hos ME patienter

    Blodprøver fra ME patienter viste:

    • øget niveau af naive B-celler
    • formindsket niveau af switched memory B-celler
    • formindsket niveau af CD8+ T-celler undertype CD226
    • øget niveau af CD8+ naive T-celler (KUN kvinder)

    Cerebrospinalvæske prøver fra ME patienter viste:

    • øget niveau af CD8+ T-celler undertype PD-1 (= markør for T-celle aktivering)
    • øget niveau af CD8+ T-celler CXCR5 (KUN mænd)

    Der blev også udført en analyse af gen ekspression i immun-celler (peripheral blood mononuclear cells, PBMC). Der blev påvist forskellig ekspression af flere gener (differentially expressed genes, DE genes) hos ME patienter:
    • gener relateret til et protein netværk omkring STAT4-TLR9 stivejen var opreguleret (KUN mænd)
    • gener relateret til protein netværk omkring B-celler (KUN kvinder)

    Konklusionen fra artiklen: "Additionally, DE genes were also enriched in cytokine and lymphocyte proliferation processes. These data are consistent with expansion of naïve B-cells by the STAT4-TLR9 and other B-cell pathways observed in PI-ME/CFS by flow cytometry."

    Der blev endvidere udført en aptamer analyse af serum og cerebrospinal væske. Det er en analyse, der kan påvise forekomst af forskellige proteiner. Der blev IKKE påvist nogen FDR-korrigeret statistisk signifikant forskel mellem ME patienter og kontrolpersoner. Men ved at analysere data kønsspecifikt kunne der påvises proteiner, der var specifikke for ME. Artiklen oplyser, at der er behov for at undersøge disse fund i nye studier og validere resultaterne. Figur S15 og S16 viser aptamer analyse resulaterne.

    Topscore resultater af aptamer analyse af serum (KUN mænd):
    • nedsat niveau af alfa-1-antitrypsin
    • øget niveau af ferritin
    • øget niveau af protein S
    • øget niveau af GPC5

    og cerebrospinalvæske (KUN mænd):
    • øget niveau af HB-EGF
    • nedsat niveau af CLM6
    • øget niveau af protein disulfid isomerase
    • nedsat niveau af IMDH2

    Topscore resultater af aptamer analyse af serum (KUN kvinder):
    • øget niveau af plasminogen
    • nedsat niveau af galectin-4
    • øget niveau af lymfotoxin a2/b1
    • nedsat niveau af iC3b

    og cerebrospinalvæske (KUN kvinder):
    • øget niveau af sFRP-3
    • øget niveau af PTN
    • øget niveau af IGFBP-2
    • øget niveau af IGFBP5

    Artiklen oplyser: ".. in the female cohorts, gene expression profiling of PBMCs identified perturbations in B-cell and leukocyte proliferation processes with a corresponding identification of plasma lymphotoxin α1β2, which may act as a proliferative signal in secondary lymphoid tissues."

    "The cause of immune dysregulation is not clear but may suggest the possibility of persistent antigenic stimulation."

    I artiklens supplerende afsnit står der: "PI-ME/CFS individuals had immune activation and immune exhaustion."

    Lidt basisviden: Et antigen er et fremmed stof, som aktiverer kroppens immunforsvar. En vedvarende præsentation af det fremmede protein til immunforsvaret kan ses ved f. eks.  infektion, autoimmunitet (hvor et af kroppens egne proteiner anses for fremmed) eller ved transplantationer (2): 

    Regulation of T and B cell responses to chronic antigenic stimulation during Infection, autoimmunity and transplantation

    Dysreguleret katekolamin niveau og tryptofan stivej hos ME patienter

    Dopamin, adrenalin og noradrenalin kaldes katekolaminer. De fungerer som neurotransmittere i centralnervesystemet (CNS) og i periferien. Jeg vil anbefale, at man lige kaster et blik på omsætningen af disse neurotransmittere:  Catecholamine

    Cerebrospinalvæske prøver fra ME patienterne viste:
    • formindsket niveau af 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA)
    • formindsket niveau af 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC)
    • formindsket niveau af (S)-3,5-dihydroxyphenylglycine (DHPG)

    Niveauet af dopamin (= 3,4-dihydroxyphenethylamine, DA), cys-DOPA og noradrenalin var ikke forskelligt fra niveauet hos kontrolpersonerne.

    Cerebrospinalvæske prøver fra ME patienterne viste endvidere:
    • ændret niveau af flere tryptofan metabolitter
    • nedsat niveau af glutamat
    • nedsat niveau af polyaminer
    • nedsat niveau af citronsyre cyklus metabolitter

    Af figur S13 fremgår topscorerne over metabolitter med nedsat niveau i cerebrospinal væske fra mænd (de første fem):
    • orotidine
    • dimetyl sulfone
    • mannitol/sorbitol
    • threonin
    • N6, N6-dimetyllysine

    og topscore over metabolitter med nedsat niveau i cerebrospinal vsæske for kvinder (de første fem):
    • 5-hydroxyindolacetat
    • picolinate
    • 4-guanidinobutanoate
    • dimetyl sulfone
    • 4-acetamidobutanoate

    Udholdenhed i håbdgrebsstyrke var nedsat hos ME patienter

    Ved en enkelt test af håndgrebsstyrke var der ikke forskel mellem ME patienter og kontrolpersoner. Ved gentagne test havde ME patienter mindre udholdenhed og mistede hurtigt styrken i grebet (p-værdi = 0,0002).

    Det område i hjernen, der sender besked til musklen om aktivitet, hedder motor cortex. Styrken i signalet fra hjerne til muskel kan måles med Motor Evoked Potentials (MEPs). Under vedvarende brug af musklerne til håndgrebsstyrke testen faldt MEP signalet hos kontrolpersonerne, men MEP signalet steg hos ME patienter. Så selv om motor cortex udsendte stigende signaler til musklen, blev håndgrebsstyrken forringet. 

    Konklusion fra artiklen var: "This indicates that the primary motor cortex remained excitable for PI-ME/CFS, suggesting reduced motor engagement from this group."

    En hjernscanning af 8 ME patienter og 10 krontrolpersoner viste, at under håndgrebsstyrke testen havde ME patienterne lavere aktivitet end kontrolpersonerne i følgende hjerneområder:
    • temporo-parietal junction (TPJ)
    • superior parietal lobule
    • right temporal gyrus

    ME patienter havde ændret præference for valg af opgavers sværhedsgrad

    Der blev gennemført en Effort-Expenditure for Rewards Task (EEfRT). Den viste, at ME patienter var mere tilbøjelige til at vælge en let opgave (med lavere belønning) end en svær opgave (med højere belønning). Opgaverne var PC styrede og man skulle trykke på en knap få eller mange gange afhængig af opgavens sværhedsgrad.

    Artiklens diskussions afsnit - hvordan tolkes resultaterne?

    Det store spørgsmål er hvordan resultatet af alle undersøgelser samlet skal tolkes. Jeg har nedenstående samlet citater fra artiklens diskussions afsnit:

    "Compared to HVs, PI-ME/CFS participants failed to maintain a moderate grip force even though there was no difference in maximum grip strength or arm muscle mass. This difference in performance correlated with decreased activity of the right temporal-parietal junction, a part of the brain that is focused on determining mismatch between willed action and resultant movement."

    "...the fatigue of PI-ME/CFS participants is due to dysfunction of integrative brain regions that drive the motor cortex, the cause of which needs to be further explored. "

    " Interviews with PI-ME/CFS participants revealed that sustained effort led to post-exertional malaise. Conscious and unconscious behavioral alterations to pace and avoid discomfort may underlie the differential performance observed."

    "We measured peripheral fatigue (high:low ratio) and central fatigue (post exercise depression). Both types of fatigue were seen in the HVs but not in the PI-ME/CFS participants. Moreover, testing of effort preference and the participants’ own words (Supplementary Information, p.10) are consistent with this finding. Together these findings suggest that effort preference, not fatigue, is the defining motor behavior of this illness."

    "Interestingly, PI-ME/CFS participants’ catechol levels in cerebrospinal fluid correlated with grip strength and effort preference, and several metabolites of the dopamine pathway correlated with several cognitive symptoms. This suggests that central nervous system catechol pathways are dysregulated in PI-ME/CFS and may play a role in effort preference and cognitive complaints. The pattern suggests decreased central catecholamine biosynthesis in PI-ME/CFS. Similarly, decreased serum catechols and their metabolites have recently been reported in Long COVID-19."

    "Metabolomics of cerebrospinal fluid identified downregulation of tryptophan metabolites in the PI-ME/CFS cohort, consistent with prior ME/CFS and Long COVID-19 studie."

    "The cause of immune dysregulation is not clear but may suggest the possibility of persistent antigenic stimulation."

    "Considering all the data together, PI-ME/CFS appears to be a centrally mediated disorder. We posit this hypothetical mechanism of how an infection can create a cascade of physiological alterations that lead to the PI-ME/CFS phenotype (Fig. 10). Exposure to an infection leads to concomitant immune dysfunction and changes in microbial composition. Immune dysfunction may be related to both innate and adaptive immune responses that are sex dependent. One possibility is that these changes are related to antigen persistence of the infectious pathogen"

    "Therapeutically targeting downstream mechanisms, with exercise, cognitive behavioral therapy, or autonomic directed therapies, may have limited impact on symptom burden, as it would not address the root cause of PI-ME/CFS. However, combination therapy affecting multiple pathways could be considered."

    Som jeg læser diskussions afsnittet i artiklen, så sender forskerne blandede signaler om ME patienters fatigue. Der er de klare fakta om immun og katekolamin dysfunktion, og så er der de lidt mere uklare signaler, om hvordan effort preference skal tolkes. Den hypotese de ender op med kan ses på figur 10 i artiklen:

    Hypotesen har vedvarende antigen præsentation som grundlæggende årsag til ME. Det vedvarende aktive immunforsvar er årsag til det dysregulerede niveau af signalstoffer i central nerve systemet (CNS), som igen påvirker de områder i hjerne der styrer motor cortex.

    Forskerne henviser til en anden artikel, som tidligere har foreslået vedvarende antigen præsentation som årsag til ME:

    Læs også bloggen Health Rising, der har skrevet om studiet:


    1) Walitt, B., Singh, K., LaMunion, S.R. et al. Deep phenotyping of post-infectious myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome. Nat Commun 15, 907 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-45107-3

    2) Ahmed R, Ford ML, Sanz I. Regulation of T and B cell responses to chronic antigenic stimulation during Infection, autoimmunity and transplantation. Immunol Rev. 2019 Nov;292(1):5-8. doi: 10.1111/imr.12836. PMID: 31883175.  

    torsdag den 12. oktober 2023

    NUP98 er involveret i ME sygdomsmekanismen

    ...fortsættelse af tidligere blogindlæg:

    NUP98 (nucleoporin 98) er også et ef de 11 gener, som er involveret i ME sygdomsmekanismen (tabel 4 i ref 1).

    Basisviden om NUP98
    Vores celler indeholder en cellekerne (nucleus) med DNA. DNA er koden ("bageopskriften") for de proteiner og enzymer, som cellerne skal producere. Beskeder i form af specielle proteiner føres ind og ud af cellekernen gennem kontrollerede åbninger. Åbningerne er opbygget som et nuklear pore compleks (NPC). I dette kompleks indgår forskellige nucleoporiner. Nogle nucleoporiner har også andre arbejdsopgaver. 

    Tidligere blogindlæg om NPC og NUP98: 

    Nucleoporins in ME

    mRNA export in ME

    NUP98, DHX9, DDX5 og DDX17
    NUP98 binder sig til DHX9 og herved reguleres ekspression af en række gener. NUP98 protein-protein-interaktions-netværket fremgår af figur 4 i ref 2. I dette netværk indgår DDX5 og DDX17 (2). 

    Figur 4 fra Capitanio JS, Montpetit B, Wozniak RW. Human Nup98 regulates the localization and activity of DExH/D-box helicase DHX9. Elife. 2017 Feb 21;6:e18825. doi: 10.7554/eLife.18825. PMID: 28221134; PMCID: PMC5338925.

    DDX5 og DDX17 styrer celledifferentiering
    Under fosterets udvikling udføres omfattende celledifferentiering. Nogle celler skal blive til hjerneceller, andre skal bliver til immunceller og andre igen skal blive til muskelceller. I voksenlivet er celleudviklingen mere begrænset, men foregår stadigvæk. Celler fra knoglemarven udvikles og differentieres til forskellige immunceller og satellitceller fra musklerne udvikles til rigtige muskelceller. Forskning har vist, at DDX5 og DDX17 er involveret i udvikling af satellitceller til muskelceller (myoblast til myotuber) (3, 4).

    Figure 7 fra:Orchestrated Regulation of Gene Expression by DDX5 and DDX17 during Cell Differentiation. Dardenne E, Polay Espinoza M, Fattet L, Germann S, Lambert MP, Neil H, Zonta E, Mortada H, Gratadou L, Deygas M, Chakrama FZ, Samaan S, Desmet FO, Tranchevent LC, Dutertre M, Rimokh R, Bourgeois CF, Auboeuf D. RNA helicases DDX5 and DDX17 dynamically orchestrate transcription, miRNA, and splicing programs in cell differentiation. Cell Rep. 2014 Jun 26;7(6):1900-13. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2014.05.010. Epub 2014 Jun 6. PMID: 24910439.

    DDX5 og DDX17 i ME
    Nguyen er al har påvist dysreguleret immun gen netværk i en undergruppe af unge ME/CFS patienter. I dette netværk indgår DDX5 og DDX17 (se figur 1 i ref 5).

    Virus og nucleoporiner
    En del virus er i stand til at "besætte" NPC for at fremme deres egen virus replikation. Forskellige nucleoporiner (herunder NUP98)  bliver udnyttet til dette formål (6, 7, 8).

    NUP98 binder sig til et andet af vores proteiner RAE1 og sørger for mRNA export gennem NPC. Gammaherpesvirus kan hæmme denne transport.

    Proteinet dUTPase kodes af både mennesker og nogle virus, f. eks:
    • Mennesket: DUT
    • Epstein Barr Virus (EBV = (HHV-4): BLLF3
    • Human Herpes Virus 6 (HHV-6): U45
    • Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV = HHV-3)): ORF8
    • Murin gammaherpesvirus MHV68: ORF10

    Feng et al har vist, at proteinet ORF10 binder sig til NUP98-RAE1-komplekset. Herved hæmmes mRNA export funktionen (9).

    SARS-CoV-2 er et betacoronavirus med et protein kodet af ORF6, som ligeledes kan interagere med NUP98-RAE1-komplekset og blokere for mRNA export (8). 

    Halpin et al har vist, at ca. 30-50% af en gruppe ME patienter havde antistoffer mod herpesvirus dUTPase og/eller human dUTPase i forhold til ca. 17% hos kontrolpersoner (10).

    Spørgsmålet er hvilken betydning har disse fund? Hypoteser om at kronisk ekspression af dele af virusproteiner spiller en rolle i post-virale syndromer som long COVID og ME diskuteres (11, 12).

    Og hvad betyder det, at NUP98 er i Pihur's tabel? Er NUP98 op-eller nedreguleret i ME sygdomsmekanismen? Er NUP98, DDX5 og DDX17  involveret i immuncelle funktion? Eller i satellitcelle funktion? Eller begge dele? Eller er der noget helt andet galt?

    Foreløbig må vi blot konstatere, at NUP98 er en potentiel ME puslespilsbrik.


    1) Pihur V, Datta S, Datta S. Meta analysis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome through integration of clinical, gene expression, SNP and proteomic data. Bioinformation. 2011 Apr 22;6(3):120-4. doi: 10.6026/97320630006120. PMID: 21584188; PMCID: PMC3089886. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21584188/

    2) Capitanio JS, Montpetit B, Wozniak RW. Human Nup98 regulates the localization and activity of DExH/D-box helicase DHX9. Elife. 2017 Feb 21;6:e18825. doi: 10.7554/eLife.18825. PMID: 28221134; PMCID: PMC5338925. 

    3) Dardenne E, Polay Espinoza M, Fattet L, Germann S, Lambert MP, Neil H, Zonta E, Mortada H, Gratadou L, Deygas M, Chakrama FZ, Samaan S, Desmet FO, Tranchevent LC, Dutertre M, Rimokh R, Bourgeois CF, Auboeuf D. RNA helicases DDX5 and DDX17 dynamically orchestrate transcription, miRNA, and splicing programs in cell differentiation. Cell Rep. 2014 Jun 26;7(6):1900-13. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2014.05.010. Epub 2014 Jun 6. PMID: 24910439. 

    4) Caretti G, Schiltz RL, Dilworth FJ, Di Padova M, Zhao P, Ogryzko V, Fuller-Pace FV, Hoffman EP, Tapscott SJ, Sartorelli V. The RNA helicases p68/p72 and the noncoding RNA SRA are coregulators of MyoD and skeletal muscle differentiation. Dev Cell. 2006 Oct;11(4):547-60. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2006.08.003. PMID: 17011493. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17011493/

    5) Nguyen CB, Kumar S, Zucknick M, Kristensen VN, Gjerstad J, Nilsen H, Wyller VB. Associations between clinical symptoms, plasma norepinephrine and deregulated immune gene networks in subgroups of adolescent with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Brain Behav Immun. 2019 Feb;76:82-96. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2018.11.008. Epub 2018 Nov 9. PMID: 30419269. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30419269/

    6) Le Sage V, Mouland AJ. Viral subversion of the nuclear pore complex. Viruses. 2013 Aug 16;5(8):2019-42. doi: 10.3390/v5082019. PMID: 23959328; PMCID: PMC3761240. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23959328/

    7) Guo J, Zhu Y, Ma X, Shang G, Liu B, Zhang K. Virus Infection and mRNA Nuclear Export. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Aug 9;24(16):12593. doi: 10.3390/ijms241612593. PMID: 37628773; PMCID: PMC10454920. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37628773/

    8) Hall R, Guedán A, Yap MW, Young GR, Harvey R, Stoye JP, Bishop KN. SARS-CoV-2 ORF6 disrupts innate immune signalling by inhibiting cellular mRNA export. PLoS Pathog. 2022 Aug 25;18(8):e1010349. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1010349. PMID: 36007063; PMCID: PMC9451085. 

    9)  Feng H, Tian H, Wang Y, Zhang Q, Lin N, Liu S, Yu Y, Deng H, Gao P. Molecular mechanism underlying selective inhibition of mRNA nuclear export by herpesvirus protein ORF10. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 Oct 27;117(43):26719-26727. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2007774117. Epub 2020 Oct 8. PMID: 33033226; PMCID: PMC7604486. 

    10) Halpin P, Williams MV, Klimas NG, Fletcher MA, Barnes Z, Ariza ME. Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome and gulf war illness patients exhibit increased humoral responses to the herpesviruses-encoded dUTPase: Implications in disease pathophysiology. J Med Virol. 2017 Sep;89(9):1636-1645. doi: 10.1002/jmv.24810. Epub 2017 Apr 26. PMID: 28303641; PMCID: PMC5513753. 

    11) Lafon-Hughes L. Towards Understanding Long COVID: SARS-CoV-2 Strikes the Host Cell Nucleus. Pathogens. 2023 Jun 6;12(6):806. doi: 10.3390/pathogens12060806. PMID: 37375496; PMCID: PMC10301789. 

    12) Ariza ME. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: The Human Herpesviruses Are Back! Biomolecules. 2021 Jan 29;11(2):185. doi: 10.3390/biom11020185. PMID: 33572802; PMCID: PMC7912523. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33572802/