
onsdag den 30. august 2023

Palmitinsyre giver Endoplasmatisk Retikulum Stress

Palmitinsyre (PA) er en mættet fedtsyre med 16 kulstofatomer (C16:0).

Palmitinsyre findes i animalsk fedt og fedtholdige mejeriprodukter. Palmitinsyre indholdet er meget højt (44%) i palmeolie, som anvendes i vid udstrækning i fødevareindustrien.

Fra reference 1:
Palm Oil is generally found in: baked goods, candies, cakes, cheese analogs, chips, chocolate, confectionary fats, cookies, cooking oil, crackers, doughnuts, frozen meals (pancakes, pies, pizza, potatoes), ice cream, industrial frying fats, instant noodles and oatmeals, margarines, microwave popcorn, non-dairy creamers, peanut butter, salad dressings, snacks, soups, supplements/vitamins, vegetable ghee.

Der er påvist Endoplasmatisk Retikulum (ER) Stress hos ME patienter pga forhøjet niveau af proteinet WASF3 og mitokondrie dysfunktion (2). 

Palmitinsyre inducerer ER stress.

Fra reference 1 og referencer i denne artikel:
Palmitic Acid overload induce apoptotic cell death by ER stress [129,130]; moreover elevated concentrations of Palmitic Acid determine apoptosis and autophagy through mitochondrial dysfunction and ER stress, mediated by oxidative stress increase, in hepatocytes [131], pancreatic beta cells [132] and muscle cells [133,134,135]. FFAs are oxidized by the β-oxidation process in mitochondria, the most important source of reactive oxygen species (ROS) [136].

Når ME patienters ER stress respons allerede er belastet, er det næppe godt at belaste det yderligere ved højt indtag af palmitinsyre. 

Læs om WASF3 og ER stress hos ME patienter:

Årsagen til ME patienters motionsintolerance er fundet


1) Mancini A, Imperlini E, Nigro E, Montagnese C, Daniele A, Orrù S, Buono P. Biological and Nutritional Properties of Palm Oil and Palmitic Acid: Effects on Health. Molecules. 2015 Sep 18;20(9):17339-61. doi: 10.3390/molecules200917339. PMID: 26393565; PMCID: PMC6331788.

2) Wang PY, Ma J, Kim YC, Son AY, Syed AM, Liu C, Mori MP, Huffstutler RD, Stolinski JL, Talagala SL, Kang JG, Walitt BT, Nath A, Hwang PM. WASF3 disrupts mitochondrial respiration and may mediate exercise intolerance in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 Aug 22;120(34):e2302738120. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2302738120. Epub 2023 Aug 14. PMID: 37579159.

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