
lørdag den 30. april 2022

ME patienter har lavt niveau af tridecenedioate

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Metaboliske ændringer hos ME patienter før og efter to dages motion

En af metabolitterne fra figur 4 er tridecenedioate (C13:1-DC). Figuren viser metabolitter, hvor niveauet er signifikant forskelligt hos kvinder med ME i forhold til raske kontrolpersoner (1). 

Data for tridecenedioate fremgår af supplerende tabel 4:
D1PRE (dag 1 før motion)
  • p = 0,0000244
  • q = 0,000685
  • FC = 0,540

D2POST (dag 2 efter motion)
  • p = 0,000000516
  • q = 0,000580
  • FC = 0,453

Det betyder, at vi er meget sikre på, at kvinder med ME kun har halvt så meget af denne metabolit i forhold til raske kontrolpersoner.

Tridecenedioate er en monoumættet dicarboxylic fedtsyre, som menes at have neuroproktektive egenskaber (2).

Et studie har vist, at fodboldatleter med gentagne hovedskader havde et lavere niveau af denne fedtsyre. Det lave niveau var associeret med en stigning i det inflammatoriske mir-505. Ydermere kunne data relateres til skanninger af hovedet. Se figur fra artiklen (2): 

Synopsis figure summarizing the interplay between moderation variables. Repetitive head acceleration events (HAE) in football athletes have been related to changes in brain homeostasis, as evidenced by neuroimaging studies. In the present study, significant moderation effects were observed with default mode network (DMN) fingerprint similarity, miR-505, VR balance task performance, and tridecenedioate. Tridecenedioate, a dicarboxylic fatty acid with one double bond, significantly decreased from Pre to Post-season. The double bond in this metabolite is hypothesized to act as a reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenger. Indeed, previous research supports an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) following repetitive exposure to head impacts; therefore, a depletion of tridecenedioate would support its role as an ROS scavenger. Even with scavenging, ROS can still remain elevated and cause damage to neurophysiological systems. This may ultimately result in damage to neuronal connectivity as observed by decreased similarity in DMN and interactions with VR balance task performance. Together, these complex relationships may explain why behavioral changes in subconcussed athletes are not consistently observed, but how repetitive, long-term exposure to HAE, chronic increases of inflammatory-miRNAs, and acute changes to resting state networks could result in behavioral disturbances later in life.
Reference: Sumra Bari, Nicole L. Vike, Khrystyna Stetsiv, Alexa Walter, Sharlene Newman, Keisuke Kawata, Jeffrey J. Bazarian, Linda Papa, Eric A. Nauman, Thomas M. Talavage, Semyon Slobounov, Hans C. Breiter,
Integrating multi-omics with neuroimaging and behavior: A preliminary model of dysfunction in football athletes,
Neuroimage: Reports,Volume 1, Issue 3,2021,100032,ISSN 2666-9560,

Hvad betyder det lave niveau af tridecenedioate for ME patienter?

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A metabolomic measure of energy metabolism moderates how an inflammatory miRNA relates to rs-fMRI network and motor control in football athletes


1)Germain A, Giloteaux L, Moore GE, Levine SM, Chia JK, Keller BA, Stevens J, Franconi CJ, Mao X, Shungu DC, Grimson A, Hanson MR. Plasma metabolomics reveals disrupted response and recovery following maximal exercise in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. JCI Insight. 2022 Mar 31:e157621. doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.157621. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35358096.

2) Sumra Bari, Nicole L. Vike, Khrystyna Stetsiv, Alexa Walter, Sharlene Newman, Keisuke Kawata, Jeffrey J. Bazarian, Linda Papa, Eric A. Nauman, Thomas M. Talavage, Semyon Slobounov, Hans C. Breiter,
Integrating multi-omics with neuroimaging and behavior: A preliminary model of dysfunction in football athletes,
Neuroimage: Reports,
Volume 1, Issue 3,2021,100032,ISSN 2666-9560,

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