
lørdag den 27. maj 2017


BACH2, PRDM1, PRDM2 and ELL2 are epigenetic changed in ME patients (1).

  • Bach2 is a transcription factor, essential for B-cells.
  • PRDM1 encodes Blimp-1, the master regulator of plasma cells.
  • PRDM2 act as a transcriptional activator of the heme-oxygenase-1 gene.
  • Transcription elongation factor ELL2 drives Ig secretory specific mRNA production (2,3)
Heme regulates B-cell differentiation, antibody class switch and hemeoxygenase-1 expression in B cells as a ligand of Bach2 (2).

Heme inhibits Bach2.

Bach2 inhibits Blimp-1.

Blimp-1 activates ELL2.

Ig classes are dysregulated in some ME patients (4).

Some ME patients have reduced representation of pathways for heme biosynthesis (5).

  1. Vega et al. DNA methylation Modifications associated with CFS. Plos One, aug 2014, vol 9, Issue 8, e104757
  2. Watanabe-Matsu et al: B-cell differentiation, antibody class switch and hemeoxygenase-1 expression in B cells as a ligand of Bach2. Blood 19.may2011, vol117, No.20.
  3. Minnich et al: Multifunctional role of the transcription factor Blimp-1 in coordinating plasma cell differentiation. Nat Immun 17, 2016
  4. FollowMEinDenmark "Immunological findings" 17.august 2013.
  5. Nagy-Szakal et al: Fecal metagenomic profiles in subgroups of patients with ME/CFS. Microbiome 2017,5,44.

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